Frequently Asked Questions Surgery Procedure

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What Services Do You Offer?

We are a full service surgery center offering a comprehensive range of first class cosmetic surgeries including abdominal liposuction (abdominoplasty), lipo 360 which includes flanks and love handles with skin tightening, arm and leg lipo, neck lipo and lift (platysmaplasty for double chin), breast lift, fat transfer to the breast and buttock (“Brazilian Butt Lift” or BBL), gynecomastia surgery (liposuction and gland removal), jowl lipo and contouring, tummy tuck, and mommy makeovers.

How Much To Schedule A Consultation?

Consultations are always free and generally take between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. You will need to fill out a brief questionnaire as well as provide your health history. You will meet with Dr. Batal in a private room where you will disrobe so Dr. Batal can examine you. Dr. Batal will determine if your expectations and goals are feasible and gauge whether you’re a good candidate for plastic surgery. Pictures will also be taken for our records. All new consults will receive a personalized treatment plan emailed to them with pricing good for 30 days.

How Long Is The Wait To Schedule My Procedure

It usually takes 3-4 weeks to find a slot in our operating room schedule. A $1000 down payment is needed to secure your spot and full payment must be made no later than 1 week before your scheduled surgery date. Sometimes Dr. Batal will require a patient to lose weight naturally before liposuction or other weight loss surgery can be scheduled so surgery can be scheduled as much as 6 months in advance.

How Long Is Surgery?

Most procedures are completed in as little as 3-4 hours. After that, patients can be released after 30 minutes. However, you CANNOT drive yourself home and we strongly encourage you to have a friend or family member pick you up.

Will I Be Completely Knocked Out?

Dr. Batal uses a light sedation method that allows our patients to be awake and conscious during their procedure. You will be relaxed and sleepy but able to listen to music or your favorite podcast and even have a conversation with Dr. Batal and our staff.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

While recovery times can vary greatly from procedure to procedure as well as patient to patient, most people can return a normal schedule in as little 1-2 weeks.

How Can I Minimize Bruising And Swelling?

First, follow the post-op instructions our office gave you. You can find the pre and post-op instructions below. Second, be sure to wear your compression garments 24/7 for the first few days after your surgery. Depending on the procedure, you may choose to sleep in a reclined position (not flat) or sitting up in a chair to minimize the collection of fluids. Use cold and warm compresses, these will not only reduce bruising and swelling, but they will also maximize and promote healing.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost for each procedure can vary greatly from patient to patient. Generally, liposuction alone starts at $899 per area while Smart Lipo with skin tightening starts at $1500 per area. Most areas will need to done in pairs such as upper/lower abs, both love handles, both jowls, etc. Other procedures such as tummy tuck or breast lift will require a personal examination from Dr. Batal to determine what can and cannot be achieved. We also provide excellent financing options, and discounts for multiple procedures are available.

Where Will My Surgery Be Performed?

Dr. Obaida Batal operates in one of the premiere outpatient surgery centers in Los Angeles. We are a full service surgery center meaning the same location you meet with Dr. Batal during your examination is the same location where surgery and recovery will take place. It houses 2 surgery theaters, up to 6 recovery beds, and 4 private examination rooms. All follow-ups will be in the same location as well so there is no need to run around Los Angeles to different offices depending on the day of the week. Also, free parking!

Do You Perform Tumescent Liposuction?

Yes! Tumescent liposuction is a technique that results in less bruising, less swelling and a quicker recovery than traditional methods of liposuction by diluting epinephrine in large volume sodium chloride and injected into the area to constrict the small blood vessels.

Do You Accept Insurance And/or Financing?

As a general rule, cosmetic surgery is considered elective surgery is not covered by most insurance plans. We do offer flexible payment options as well as Care Credit financing. Check out our PRICING & FINANCING page for more info.
As a rule, cosmetic plastic surgery is considered “elective surgery” and is not covered by most insurance plans. If the service is not covered by insurance, Cleveland Clinic may provide some financing options. Please call 216.444.4004 and ask to speak to one of our financial representatives who can explain payment options, including CareCredit financing.

The Consultation

  • A consultation allows Dr. Batal to access your current physical structure and discuss what is achievable.
  • The consultation is free and can last up to an hour as Dr. Batal discusses multiple treatment options that work best for you based on your goals.
  • A treatment plan will full pricing will be provided free of charge.
  • A full personal history will be discussed at this time including any underlying medical conditions and allergies.
  • Photos will also be taken for Dr. Batal’s records in order gauge your progress post-op.